Wednesday, February 13, 2008

An Invitation to a Photo Exhibit - Emilio's Corner: Speaking in Smiles

The Down Syndrome Association of the Philippines, Inc. presents

"EMILIO's CORNER: Speaking in Smiles"

You probably see them all the time, oriental looking
children with almond shaped eyes and low nose bridges.
They're not too tall, and they give a hint that
something about them is a just a little bit...special.
These are children with Down Syndrome.

Down Syndrome (DS) is a genetic condition of the 21st
Chromosome named after Dr. John Langdon Down. Seen in
almost 1 out of every 800 births, people with DS
sometimes have speech difficulties, low muscle tone,
learning disabilities and health issues. Because of
these seemingly debilitating traits, many view
individuals with DS negatively. There are those,
however, who have been touched by individuals with DS
and have learned to see beyond its limitations to the
true beauty that people with Down Syndrome possess.

Inspired by the photographer' s own intimate
experiences with these special kids, "Emilio's Corner:
Speaking in Smiles" is a photo exhibit about 9 unique
individuals with Down Syndrome. The exhibit aims to
show people a different side of the condition as it
shares the story of these 9 children and the people
whose lives they touched and shaped everyday. Come see
how these 9 special children have gone beyond their
boundaries, and have become an immense source of joy
and love for those around them.

"Emilio's Corner: Speaking in Smiles" will be on from
February 22-February 28, 2008 in the Archaeology wing
of Powerplant Mall, Rockwell Complex in Makati City.
Opening Reception on February 23, 2008 at 4 PM. This
photography exhibit is presented by the Down Syndrome
Association of the Philippines Inc. and made possible
by Rockwell Land Corporation.

Photographs by: Paulo Canivel

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